Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sensory Perception

Lucy continues to make improvements. Yesterday, she responded to the word 'treat' - so we know her hearing is better. Rick was cutting up some cheese last night while making dinner and each of the girls waited patiently for a little piece. When he told them to 'sit', Lucy sat down. We're not sure if she understood the command or maybe she was tired of standing. Also, last night she actually started using her little nose to sniff around. If she starts sniffing around sometimes that's a sign that she might need to go outside and do a 'doo', which she has been very good at. She's still not her bouncy self, but I believe it will take more than 6 days for her to heal, so I'm going to be very patient with her. All the signs are good - which makes me a little angry when I remember one of the veterinarians told me I should euthanize her. But I'm not going to waste any energy on those thoughts any more. Lucy Lucy Lucy! How good it is to have you with us!

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