Monday, January 26, 2009

Bizarro World

This week felt like the Seinfeld 'Bizarro' episode. Things happened that took me totally by surprise. My husband used a tanning bed for the first time in his life. (We're getting ready for a trip to a warmer climate and he decided to get his 'base' tan down so he doesn't burn.) Also, he bought Pepsi Max for us to drink at home. This is a man who has never drank any soft drink other than regular Pepsi, so when he came home with Pepsi Max I was floored! Bizarro world didn't stop with my husband. My son also did something that made me do a double take. He took his girlfriend to work and then cleaned out her car for her. I mean really cleaned - vacuumed and everything! He's a very nice young man (26) but I've never seen him do so many nice things for a girl. It really makes me feel good that he has it in him to do nice things for her. I hope my bizarro world goes on and on!


Cristina Leonard said...

Are you back yet, are you back yet? I want to hear all about it!

Cristina Leonard said...

Mexico pictures, PLEASE!